Checking the continents off the list....

Alas, no excuses will be forthcoming for my two-month hiatus. Those who knew about Sunday night travails throughout the semester may understand my absence.
However, I am now quite rested and refreshed. This blog emerges from Antwerp, Belgium in my parent's place. These northern European countries have fantastic food, joyful people, beautiful architecture, but just a glimmer of sunlight. Every morning I wake up feeling that dawn is barely breaking, but my mom announces joyfully that we have a sunny day in Belgium. I guess perspective really does matter.
Holley and I spent the holidays with my parents, my sister, and her bf. I think something might be brewing between them, but I digress. We mastered jet lag this time around and enjoyed walking around Belgium for a few days including Brugge and here in Antwerp.
My parents, Holley, and I then headed to Rome. What a city! I remember how struck I was with the majesty and grandeur of Paris, how statues and reliefs seem to transpose a modern city into a living relic of the past. However, I was not ready for the scale and beauty of Rome's traversing of the chronological gap between the ancient and modern worlds. The

The rest of our visit was equally dazzling. The food was fantastic and as my sister's bf, David, stated so succinctly, "The wine flowed like wine." Indeed.
I head to Istanbul tomorrow. Somehow, in the last 12 months or so I will have stepped foot on five continents (that is, if you waffle a bit with Costa Rica's continental home). I might need to spend more time at home next year...
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